Similar words: evidence, evidenced, direct evidence, hearsay evidence, preponderance of evidence, physical evidence, documentary evidence, corroborating evidence. Meaning: adj. clearly to be seen.
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31. Parish and school teams are much in evidence, as are priests and nuns.
32. Accordingly it was held that the breath specimen had been inadmissible in evidence.
33. Although no birds are in evidence, it is assumed that this Labour is indicated.
34. The prosecution sought to adduce in evidence documents which contained statements made by the defendant in the earlier bankruptcy proceedings.
35. The thriftiness she often boasted of was also in evidence - despite their opulent appearance the costumes cost just £3,000.
36. Jack de Bie's playing is rhythmically alive, thoughtful and passionate as required, with some particularly sensitive pedalling in evidence.
37. Here the double emphasis upon the need to arrest cultural degeneration and preserve the national heritage was distinctly in evidence.
38. Northern opinion was sharply divided, with party lines much in evidence.
39. Agronomists were much in evidence in the localities in the spring of 1922.
40. A full centralisation of structure and a more flowing and energetic style - often with greater pictorial content - is in evidence.
41. Indeed(, depressive traits are more in evidence than paranoid tendencies.
42. This problem is very much in evidence in language teaching too.
43. Everywhere, solid wooden furniture, original doors and iron bedsteads are in evidence.
44. Alcoholism, depression and an intensity of Presbyterian self-chastisement were abundantly in evidence, with the occasional nervous collapse or suicide.
45. Velcro also in evidence all over training shoes, holdalls and generally where it is least needed.
46. Never was economic gain, as well as the consideration of military security which we mentioned earlier, more clearly in evidence.
47. He can simply state in evidence that he examined the licence and found it to be a current provisional.
48. Tom Anderson was always in evidence on the right but his good stick work came to nothing.
49. Several large water resource projects are currently being planned while criticism is most in evidence.
50. Not many of them were in evidence yesterday,( evidence.html) when the first proper snap of autumn was in the air.
51. The staff, easily recognizable by their distinctive light green uniforms were well in evidence.
52. Salvaged church timbers, even complete roof trusses are much in evidence.
53. Some things are more genuine than others, or rather more firmly rooted in evidence.
54. Over the next few weeks the several squads of tourists in evidence on his arrival just disappeared.
55. Photographs, a sketch plan and any police accident report book are receivable in evidence at trial.
56. Poverty is much in evidence in the city slums.
57. The primroses were bollming ; spring was in evidence.
58. The little boy's measles were very much in evidence.
59. There were no tears in evidence at his funeral.
60. The child was nowhere in evidence.
More similar words: evidence, evidenced, direct evidence, hearsay evidence, preponderance of evidence, physical evidence, documentary evidence, corroborating evidence, circumstantial evidence, providence, improvidence, evident, evidently, evidential, self-evident, incidence, subsidence, accidence, residence, diffidence, confidence, dissidence, coincidence, in confidence, tax incidence, residence time, self-confidence, overconfidence, with confidence, hall of residence.